
Consular Information

CountryIndian Embassy Details
AfghanistanEmbassy of India,Kabul Malalaiwat, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan
Telephone: 00-873-763095560 (satellite tel), 00-93-20-2200185
Fax: 00-873-763095561
E-Mail: embassy@indembassy-kabul.com
Web link: www.eoi.gov.inkabul
AlgeriaEmbassy of India,Algiers 14 Rue des Abassides El Biar BP 108, 16030 Algiers, Algeria
Telephone: 00-213-21-923288, 923444
Fax: 00-213-21-924011
E-Mail: amb.algiers@mea.gov.in (Ambassador), hoc.algiers@mea.gov.in (HOC), cons.algiers@mea.gov.in (Consular), com.algiers@mea.gov.in (Commercial)
Web Link: www.indianembassyalgiers.org
AngolaEmbassy of India,Luanda No 3, Rua 28 De Maio, Maianga, Luanda, Angola
Telephone: 00-244-222 371 060, 00-244-222371 067
Fax: 00-244-222 371 094
E-Mail: amb.luanda@mea.gov.in,
hoc.luanda@mea.gov.in, ambindluanda@netcabo.co.ao, ambofficeluanda@netcabo.co.ao Web Link: www.indembangola.org
[*Under jurisdiction of High Commission of India, Abuja]
Honorary Consulate General of India,Cotonou Onsulat de L Inde, Nirvana, Lot No.1430 R , Vedoko Missogbe, Cotonou, Benin.
Telephone: 00-229-21-385220, 97-974502(R), 95-954091 (R), 90-905105 (R)
Fax: 00-229-21-380724
E-Mail: indconsul.benin@sify.com, ashokmir@yahoo.com, ashokmir@gmail.com
BangladeshHigh Commission of India, Dhaka House No. 2, Road No.142, Gulshan-1, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: Reception: 00880-2-9889339,
EPABX : 00880-2-9888789-91 and 8820243-47
Fax: 00880-2-9893050
E-Mail: visahelp@hcidhaka.gov.in
Web Link: www.hcidhaka.gov.in
BhutanEmbassy of India,Thimphu India House Estate, Jungshina, Thimphu, Bhutan
Consular Timing (on all working days): Receiving applications-0900-1100 hrs, Delivery-1600 hrs-1700 hrs
Telephone: 00975-2-322162 (Reception)
Fax: 00975-2-323195
E-Mail: amb.thimphu@mea.gov.in, dcmbht@druknet.bt, dcm.thimphu@mea.gov.in, com.thimphu@mea.gov.in, hoc.thimphu@mea.gov.in, consbht@druknet.bt, cons.thimphu@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.indianembassythimphu.bt
BotswanaHigh Commission of India, Gaborone, Botswana Physical Address: Plot No. 5375, President’s Drive, Gaborone, Botswana Postal Address: Pvt. Bag 249, Gaborone, Botswana
Telephone: + 267 3972676
Fax: + 267 3974636
E-Mail: hoc@hci.org.bw
Web Link: www.hcigaborone.org.bw
Burkina Faso
(*Under jurisdiction of High Commission of India, Accra)
Honorary Consulate of India, Ouagadougou No. 167, Rue Joseph Badoua, B.P. 6648, Ouagadougou-01, Burkina Faso.
Telephone: 00-226-50314414 (O), 50314595 (R)
Fax: 00-226-50315783
E-Mail: gan@fazonet.bf
Website: www.indiahc-ghana.com
[*Under High Comm. of India, Abuja]
Honorary Consulate of India, Cameroon C /o. Nakira-kam, 1058, Bd du general Leclerc, Douala, Cameroon. [R]: BP 15175, Douala, Cameroon.
Telephone: 00-237-33427464 / 33425880 / 33427474 (O), 33427906 (R)
Fax: 00-237-33429773
E-Mail: ravidouala@yahoo.com (Hony Consul)
Central African RepublicHonorary Consulate General of India B. P. 3364, Enface de Mamica A. V. Banda, Pk-4, Bangui Republique Centrafricane.
Telephone: 00-236-70804343
E-Mail: NA
ChadHonorary Consulate of India, N djamena Avenue Charles de Gaulle, P.O. Box No.1500, N djamena, Rep. of Chad [*Under jurisdiction of High Commission of India, Abuja]
Telephone: 00-235-2524307 (O), 2520333 (R), 00-235-6552270 (M)
Fax: 00-235-2524357
E-Mail: tv2000@intnet.td (O), nassirarzamkhan@yahoo.co.uk (R)
[*Under jurisdiction of Embassy of India, Kinshasa, DR of Congo]
Honorary Consulate General of India, Brazzaville B.P. 168, Avenue Bayardelle, Brazaville, Republic of Congo.
Telephone: 00-242-811646 (O) / 810099 (R)
Fax: 00-242-815782 (OR)
E-Mail: hcgbzv@yahoo.co.in, regalste@yahoo.com (R), regal@mtybernet.com (R), regalcgo2@yahoo.fr (R)
Republic of Congo, Gabon and Central African RepublicEmbassy of India,Kinshasa 18-B, Avenue Batetela, C/Gombe, Kinshasa Concurrently accredited to Republic of Congo, Gabon and Central African Republic.
Telephone: 00243-971000490/91/92
E-Mail: amb@indembassykin.org (Ambassador), amboffice@indembassykin.org (AMB Office), cons@indembassykin.org (Consular), com@indembassykin.org (Trade), sspol@indembassykin.org (Political), hoc@indembassykin.org (HOC)
Web Link: www.eoikinshasa.nic.in
Cote d Ivoire
[Ivory Coast]
Embassy of India, Abidjan, Ivory Coast Villa 2728, ILot 229, 7eme Tranche, II-Plateaux, Abidjan Postal Address : 06 BP 318, Abidjan 06 Telephone: 00-225 2242 3769/7079/1851/1884 Fax: 00-225 2242 6649 E-Mail: amb.abidjan@mea.gov.in,
amb.office@eoiabidjan.org, hoc.abidjan@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.eoiabidjan.org
[*Under jurisdiction of Embassy of India, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)]
Honorary Consulate of India, Djibouti Rue D Athens, Djibouti City, Post Box No.171, Djibouti.
Telephone: 00-253-350219, 552394 (O), 350911 (R)
Fax: 00-253-351778
E-Mail: ops@kothari.dj,nalin@kothari.dj
EgyptEmbassy of India,Cairo 5 Aziz Abaza Street, Zamalek, PO Box No. 718, Cairo, Egypt Consular Section: 37, Talaat Harb, Downtown Cairo, Egypt
Workings Hours: 0930-1130 (Receipt of applications); 1300-1500 (Delivery)
Telephone: 00-202-27360052, 27363051, 27356053
Fax: 00-202-27364038, 27382965(DCM), 23936702 (Info)
E-Mail: embassy@indembcairo.com, amb.cairo@mea.gov.in (Amb), dcm.cairo@mea.gov.in (DCM), info.cairo@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.indembcairo.com
EthiopiaEmbassy of India, Addis Ababa Arada District, Kebele-14 [Next to Bel Air Hotel], H.No 224, Around Aware, Post Box No. 528, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Telephone: 00-251-11-1235538/39/40/41
Fax: 00-251-11-1235547/1235548
E-Mail: hoc.addisababa@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.indembassyeth.in
GhanaHigh Commission of India, Accra (Ghana) No. 9, Ridge Road, Roman Ridge PO Box CT-5708, Cantonments, Accra (GHANA) Working Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm; Consular: 0900-1200 Hrs.
Telephone: +233-307020903/307020904/307020905,
Emergency (after office hours): 0263135416
Fax: +233-302772176
E-Mail: hc.accra@mea.gov.in, hoc.accra@mea.gov.inWeb Link: www.indiahc-ghana.com
[*Under E/I Dakar]
Honorary Consulate General of India, Banjul 1st Floor, Kripa House, Fajara M Section, Off Kairaba Avenue, PO Box No.2389, Serekunda KSMD, The Gambia.
Telephone: 00-220-4397741, 4393628 (O), 4495771 (R), +9965771 (M)
Fax: 00-220-4393637
E-Mail: rammohan@gamtel.gm, rmjam@hotmail.com
[*Under jurisdiction of Embassy of India, Abidjan]
Honorary Consulate of India, Conakry M/s Tolarams S.A.R.L., A Cote du Dispanseur Madina, Commune de Matam B.P. 3380, Conakry
Telephone: 00-224-461148 / 461111, 63407979 62667979 (Consular Section), 63400000 (M), 60267272 (M)
E-Mail: accounts@topaz.com.gn,
Guinea Bissau
[*Under jurisdiction of Embassy of Senegal]
Honorary Consulate of India in Bissau Apartment 101, First Floor, Avenida Pansau Na Isna NSIA Building, Bissau.
Telephone: +245-6934190, +245-6605160
IraqEmbassy of India,Baghdad House No. 18, Street No. 16 Mohalla No. 609, Al Mansour District Baghdad.
Telephone: 00964-7704439731 (M) – Ambassador; 00964-7704439706(M) – HOC; 00870772223446 (SAT) – Gen.
E-Mail: amb.baghdad@mea.gov.in(Amb), hoc.baghdad@mea.gov.in (For Commercial/ Education/ ITEC matters), adm.baghdad@mea.gov.in(Admin), cons.baghdad@mea.gov.in (For Consular/ Labour /Visa/Passport matters)
Web Link: indianembassybaghdad.in
(*Concurrently Accredited to Federal Republic of Somalia and State of Eritrea)
High Commission of India, Nairobi 3, Harambee Avenue Jeevan Bharati Building PO Box No.30074-00100, NAIROBI, KENYA
Telephone: + 254 20 2222 566/7, 2225 104, 2224 500
Fax: + 254 20 316 242, 224 8320, 221 1164
E-Mail: hc.nairobi@mea.gov.in (High Commissioner), dhc.nairobi@mea.gov.in (Deputy High Commissioner), hoc.nairobi@mea.gov.in (Head of Chancery), passportvisa@hcinairobi.co.ke (visa enquiries), cons.nairobi@mea.gov.in (passport- OCI- PIO related enquiries), comhcinbo@kenyaweb.com (for commercial enquiries)
Web Link: www.hcinairobi.co.ke
KuwaitEmbassy of India,Kuwait Diplomatic Enclave, Arabian Gulf Street, P O Box No.1450, Safat 13015, Kuwait
Issue of token: 0730-1200 1400-1530 hrs; Submission: 0745-1300 1400-1600 hrs
Telephone: 00965 22530612, 22571192
Consular Emergency Assistance 00-965-22530600
Fax: 00965 22546958
E-Mail: contact@indembkwt.org, psamb@indembkwt.org,ambss@indembkwt.org, labour@indembkwt.org, counsellor@indembkwt.org, sscounsellor@indembkwt.org, hoc@indembkwt.org,fsinfo@indembkwt.org
Web Link: www.indembkwt.org
Liberia (*Under E/I Abidjan)Honorary Consulate General of India, Monrovia Vai Town, Bushrod Island, PO Box No.10-3717, 1000, Monrovia, 10, Liberia. (R) India House, Mamba Pt., Monrovia
Telephone: 00-231-6-510144, 4-721721
E-Fax: 00-320-3234378
E-Mail: jeetytrading@awli.net,
Libya MaltaEmbassy of India,Libya High Commission of India to MaltaNafleen Area, Near Fashloom Roundabout Post Box 3150 Tripoli, State of LibyaTelephone: +218-21-3409288 89 (PABX)
Fax: +218-21-3409281
E-Mail: ambassador@indianembassy.ly (Ambassador), hoc.tripoli@mea.gov.in
(Head of Chancery and Consular Officer), administration@indianembassy.ly (Administration), com.tripoli@mea.gov.in (Commercial ), consularvisa@indianembassy.ly(Consular Visa), information@indianembassy.ly(Information/Culture)Web Link: www.indianembassy.ly
MadagascarEmbassy of India,Antananarivo 4, Lalana Rajaonson Emile Tsaralalana Bp 1787, Antananarivo Madagascar
Telephone: 00-261-20-2223334, 2227156
Fax: 00-261-20-2233790
E-Mail: indesecamb@blueline.mg, indembmd@blueline.mg, indcomsec@blueline.mg, indadmin@blueline.mg, indconsular@blueline.mg, hoc.aanarivo@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.embassyofindia.mg
MalawiIndian High Commission in Lilongwe, Malawi Area 9, House No. 55 Lilongwe Malawi
MaldivesHigh Commission of India, Male’, Maldives H. Athireege Aage Ameeru Ahmed Magu, Henveiru Male’, Maldives 20125
Telephone: (960) 3323015/16
Fax: (960) 3324778
E-Mail: HC: hc@hicomindia.com.mv, DHC: dhc.male@mea.gov.in, HOC: hoc.male@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.hcimaldives.in
MaliEmbassy of India,Bamako (Mali) 101, Avenue de l’OUA, B.P. 8008 Badalabougou Est, Bamako (Mali)
Consular Services Working Hours: 0900 to 1200 Hrs, 1500 to 1600 Hrs (Mon -Fri)
Telephone: 00-223-2023 5420, 00-223-2023 5421 Consular Emergency : 00-223-76 40 92 58/ 71 91 89 10
Fax: 00-223-2023 5417
E-Mail: amb.bamako@mea.gov.in, hoc.bamako@mea.gov.in, cons.bamako@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.amb-inde-bamako.org
[*Under Embassy of India, Bamako(Mali)].
Honorary Consulate of India, Nouakchott ASML Group, Alkaima City Centre 7th floor, 10 Rue Mamadou Konate, PO Box 2823, Nouakchott
Telephone: 00-222-45241111 (O R)
Fax: 00-222-45255795
E-Mail: amouhidine@asmlgroup.com
MauritiusHigh Commission of India,Port Louis 6th Floor, LIC Building John Kennedy Street Port Louis
Telephone: (230) 208 3775/76
Fax: (230) 208 8891
E-Mail: hicom.ss@intnet.mu,hicombc@intnet.mu, hicom.cons@intnet.mu,coined@intnet.mu
Web Link: indiahighcom-mauritius.org
MoroccoEmbassy of India,Rabat 88, Rue Oulad Tidrarine Souissi, Rabat, Morocco. Telephone: 00212-537635801, 537635802, 537635803 Fax: 00212- 537 634733, 537634734
Web Link: www.indianembassyrabat.com
(Concurrently accredited to the Kingdom of Swaziland)
High Commission of India, Maputo Av. Kenneth Kaunda No. 167 Post Box No. 4751 Maputo (Mozambique)
Telephone: +258-21492437 / 21490717
Fax: + 258-21492364
E-Mail: hicomind@tvcabo.co.mz
Web Link: www.hicomind-maputo.org
NamibiaHigh Commission of India, Windhoek, Namibia 97, Nelson Mandela Avenue Klein Windhoek Windhoek, Namibia
Telephone: +264 – 61- 226037, 226036, 228433
Fax: +264 – 61 – 237320
E-Mail:hcindia@mweb.com.na(HC), hicomind@mweb.com.na (General) , fshoc@mweb.com.na (HOC), attche@mweb.com.na (Attache), hciadmn@mweb.com.na (Admn)
Web Link: www.highcommissionofindia.web.na
NepalEmbassy of India,Kathmandu P.O. Box No. 292, 336, Kapurdhara Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal. Consular Assistance : 0097714411751, Working Hours : 0900 Hrs. – 1730 Hrs. (NST)
Telephone: 00-977-1-4410900, 4414990, 4411699
Fax: 00-977-1-4420130 (Amb), 4428245 (DCM), 4428279
E-Mail: hoc@eoiktm.org(General), amb@eoiktm.org (Amb), dcm@eoiktm.org (DCM)
Web Link: www.indianembassy.org.np
NigerEmbassy of India,Niamey B.P. 201, Rue Ambassades 14, Kouara Kano, Niamey-CN1 NIGER
Telephone: 00-227-20370029/30
Fax: 00-227-20370116
E-Mail: hoc.niamey@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.indembniamey.org
Nigeria – AbujaHigh Commission of India,ABUJA 15, RIO NEGRO CLOSE, Off Yedseram Street Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria
Telephone: 00-234-7080622800-04
Fax: 00-234-7080622805
E-Mail: cons.abuja@mea.gov.in trade.abuja@mea.gov.in hoc.abuja@mea.gov.in
info.abuja@mea.gov.inWeb Link: www.indianhcabuja.com
OmanEmbassy of India,Muscat Jami’at Al – Dowal Al – Arabiya Street, Diplomatic Area, Al Khuwair, P.O. Box 1727, PC 112.
Telephone: 00968-24684500
Fax: 24698291 (General), 24697591 (Ambassador), 24692791 (Consular), 24684546 (Community Welfare)
E-Mail: indiamct@omantel.net.om (General), hoc.muscat@mea.gov.in (HOC), hom@indemb-oman.org (Amb), couns@indemb-oman.org (Counsellor)
Working hours of the consular section: Sunday – Thursday
Depositing of Documents: 9:00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m
Collection of Documents: 4:00 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Working hours of the Community welfare wing: Sunday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Web Link: www.indemb-oman.org
PakistanHigh Commission of India, Islamabad G-5, Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Telephone: +92-51-2206950/51/52/53, 2828376
Fax: +92-51-2823386, 2823102, 2206954
E-Mail: hc.islamabad@mea.gov.in(HC), dhc.islamabad@mea.gov.in(DHC), hoc.islamabad@mea.gov.in(HOC),
Web Link: www.india.org.pk
QatarEmbassy of India,Doha, Qatar Villa No. 19, Zone No. 42, Street No. 828 Wadi Al Neel Lane, Al Hilal Area, P.O. Box 2788, Doha
Telephone: 974-44255777, 974-44255700 (Beyond office hours), 44255715/16 (Consular), 44255724 (Labour)
Fax: 974-44670448 (General), 974-44672684 (Consular), 974-44675399(Labour)
E-Mail: amb.doha@mea.gov.in, ambassador@qatar.net.qa (Ambassador), dcm@qatar.net.qa, dcm.doha@mea.gov.in, (DCM) da@qatar.net.qa, dadoha-navy@nic.in (Defence Attache), fspe@qatar.net.qa(PressEducation), hoc.doha@mea.gov.in(HOC), indfscom@qatar.net.qa, com.doha@mea.gov.in (Commercial), cons.doha@mea.gov.in (Consular), labourofficer@qatar.net.qa (Labour), press.doha@mea.gov.in, pressofficer@qatar.net.qa (PIC)
Web Link: www.indianembassyqatar.org
Saudi ArabiaEmbassy of India B-1, Diplomatic Quarter, P.B.No.94387, Riyadh-11693, Saudi Arabia.
Telephone: 00-966-1-4884144, 4884691, 4884692, 4834254, 4884697, 4881982 (24 hour Help Line) Saudi Arabia 00-966-1-4884750 (Chancery), 4804764 (Commercial)
E-Mail: amb.riyadh@mea.gov.in dcm.riyadh@mea.gov.in pol.riyadh@mea.gov.in cons.riyadh@mea.gov.in hoc.riyadh@mea.gov.in com.riyadh@mea.gov.in def.riyadh@mea.gov.in wel.riyadh@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.indianembassy.org.sa
(*Concurrently accredited to Cape Verde, Gambia, and Guinea Bissou)
Embassy of India,Dakar 5 Avenue Carde BP 398, Dakar Senegal
Telephone: 00-221-338495875 Emergency No.00-221-338495875
Fax: 00-221-338223585
E-Mail: indiacouns@orange.sn(Second Secretary), indiacom@orange.sn(Second Secretary), consular@orange.sn(Consular Section)
Web Link: www.embassyofindiadakar.org
SeychellesHigh Commission of India,Seychelles Le Chantier, PO Box 488, Victoria-Mahe, Seychelles.
Telephone: + (248) 4610 301/302/303/304
Fax: +(248) 4610 308
E-Mail: hc.mahe@mea.gov.in, hoc.mahe@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.seychelles.nethicomind
Sierra Leone
[*Under jurisdiction of Embassy of India, Abidjan, Cote d Ivoire]
Honorary Consulate General of India, Freetown Post Box No. 26, 5 Rawdon Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Telephone: 00-232-22-22452 / 5, 224340, 223659, 225521, 225143 (O), 231050, 230836 (R), +00-44-7711742136 (M)
Fax: 00-232-22-226343
E-Mail: kanazad@hotmail.com, tcsfreetown@yahoo.com, harishagnani@yahoo.com
South Africa
(Concurrently accredited to the Kingdom of Lesotho)
High Commission of India,Pretoria 852 Schoeman Street Pretoria
Telephone: 0027-123425392
Fax: 0027-123425310
E-Mail: indiahc@hicomind.co.za (High Commissioner), dhc@hicomind.co.za(Dy. HC), polinf@hicomind.co.za(FS HOC), hciadmn@hicomind.co.za(Asst. Admn)
Web Link: www.indiainsouthafrica.com
South SudanEmbassy of India Block No. 522, Hai Matar Area Juba, South Sudan
Telephone: 00-211-922458006/007
Fax: 00-211-811-822 236
E-Mail: amb.juba@mea.gov.in, hoc.juba@mea.gov.in
Web Link: www.indembjuba.org
Sri LankaHigh Commission of India, Colombo 36-38, Galle Road, Colombo, Sri Lanka Consular Section Working Hours: 0900 to 1300 1400 to 1630 hours on working days. In case of emergency, please contact the switchboard at the numbers given below which are operational round the clock
Telephone: +94-11-2327587, 2421605, 2422788 / 89 (Operational round the clock / Emergency helpline)
Fax: +94-11-2446403, 2448166
E-Mail: hc.colombo@mea.gov.in(High Commissioner), dhc.colombo@mea.gov.in(Deputy High Commissioner), hoc.colombo@mea.gov.in (HOC), info.colombo@mea.gov.in(Information Wing), cons.colombo@mea.gov.in, cons2.colombo@mea.gov.in(Consular Assistance)
Web Link: www.hcicolombo.org
SudanEmbassy of India,Khartoum Plot No. 2, Al Amarat Street No. 01 Block 12 DH, Eastern Extension P.O. Box 707 Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan
Telephone: +249 1 8357 4001/ 2/ 3
Fax: +249 1 8357 4050/ 51
E-Mail: amb.khartoum@mea.gov.in(Ambassador), pol.khartoum@mea.gov.in(SS(PC)), hoc.khartoum@mea.gov.in (SS(Cons) HOC)
Web Link: www.indembsdn.com
TanzaniaHigh Commission of India,Dar-es-Salaam 82 Kinondoni Road, P.O. Box.2684, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Working Hours of Consular Section: 0900 – 1030 hrs [for submission of applications] 1600 – 1645 hrs [for delivery of visas, passports, etc.]
Telephone: 00-255-22-2669040/1
Fax: 00-255-22-2669043, 2669050
E-Mail: hc.desalaam@mea.gov.in(High Commissioner), hoc.desalaam@mea.gov.in, comm.desalaam@mea.gov.in, couns@hcindiatz.org(Second Secretary)
Web Link: www.hcindiatz.org
(*Under jurisdiction of High Commission of India, Accra)
Honorary Consulate of India, Lome 18, Rue Du Commerce, GPO Box 4529, Lome (Togo).
Telephone:00-228-2223004 / 05
Fax: 00-228-2222692, 2210430
E-Mail: lalwanirp@hotmail.com
TunisiaEmbassy of India,Tunis 4, Rue Didon, Place Notre Dame, Mutuelville, Tunis, Tunisia
Telephone: 00-216-71-787819, 790968, 781825,
Help line No. for Emergency Consular assistance: 71787819 Ext. 104
Fax: 00-216-71-783394 (Chancery), 281189 (Ambassador)
E-Mail: amb.tunis@mea.gov.in(Ambassador), hoc.tunis@mea.gov.in(Chancery), com.tunis@mea.gov.in(Commerce)
Embassy Working Hours: Monday to Friday – 08.30 AM to 05.00 PM;
Consular Section Working Hours: Monday to Thursday:-
1. Submission of applications: 09.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
2. Collection of Passports/Documents: 03.00 PM to 04.00 PM
Web Link: www.embassyofindiatunis.com
(Concurrently accredited to Rwanda and Burundi)
High Commission of India,Kampala (Concurrently accredited to Rwanda and Burundi) Plot number 11, Kyadondo Road, Nakasero, P.O.Box 7040, Kampala
Consular Timings: 0930-1200 hours (Applications Received) and 1630-1730 hours (Passports/Visa delivered)
Telephone: +256-41-4344631; +256-41-4257368; +256-41-4342994
Fax: +256-41-4254943
E-Mail: hoc.kampala@mea.gov.in, consular@hcikampala.co.ug, pshc@hcikampala.co.ug
Web Link: www.hci.gov.inkampala
United Arab EmiratesEmbassy of India Plot No. 10, Sector W-59/02, Diplomatic Area, Off the Airport Road, P. O. Box 4090, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Telephone: +971 2 4492700 [Chancery], 4447738 (Amb.’s Office), 4490729 (CW) , 4447768 (Consular)
Fax: +971 2 4444685, [Chancery], 4444685 / 4447768 / 4492273 [Consular], 4490729 [CW]
E-Mail: ambassador@indembassyuae.org, amboffice@indembassyuae.org, dcm@indembassyuae.org, commerce@indembassyuae.org, consular@indembassyuae.org, admn@indembassyuae.org, hoc@indembassyuae.rog, pol@indembassyuae.rog, counsellor@indembassyuae.org, defense@indembassyuae.org
Web Link: www.indembassyuae.org
YemenEmbassy of India,Sana’a 24th Street, off Hadda Road in front of Hadda Post Office, towards 50 Street before Y Telecom building, Sana’a
Telephone: 00 967 1 433 631 / 433 632
Fax: 00 967 1 433 630
E-Mail: amb.sanaa@mea.gov.in, hoc.sanaa@mea.gov.in, commercial@eoisanaa.org, attache@eoisanaa.org, consular@eoisanaa.org
Web Link: www.eoisanaa.org
ZambiaHigh Commission of India No.1 Pandit Nehru Road, Loangacres, P.O. Box. 32111, Lusaka, Zambia
Fax: +260-211-254118
E-Mail: hc.lusaka@mea.gov.in(High Commissioner), hoc.lusaka@mea.gov.in(Head of Chancery), pol.lusaka@mea.gov.in(Political and Commerce Wing), info.lusaka@mea.gov.in (Information ITEC Wing), cons.lusaka@mea.gov.in(Consular Section)
Web Link: www.hcizambia.com
ZimbabweEmbassy of India, Harare No.12, Natal Road Belgravia, P O Box No.4620, Harare, Zimbabwe
Working Hours of Consular Section: 0900-1200 hrs -Receiving of Applications, 1600-1700 hrs – Collection
Telephone: 00263 4 795955 / 56
Fax: 00263 4 795958 / 795413
E-Mail: ambassador@embindia.org.zw (Ambassador), hoc@embindia.org.zw (First Secretary HOC), attache.itec@embindia.org.zw , (Attache ITEC) attache.admn@embindia.org.zw (Attache Admn Com), attache.cons@embindia.org.zw (Attache Consular)
Web Link: www.eoi.gov.inharare